Thank you for your interest in the Central City Transit Alternatives Analysis project. Please join us for our next public open house where you can learn about the short-listed alternative routes and transit modes and once again offer your comments. We hope you’ll stop by and bring a friend too!
Central City Mobility Open House - Tuesday, October 26, 2010
South Campus Facility
(412 E. Spokane Falls Blvd., next to the WSU Bookie)
3:30 to 7:00pm – Drop by anytime – Remarks from Mayor Verner at 3:30pm
Recognizing the interrelationships between three important projects affecting downtown and its surrounding areas, the University District, Spokane Transit Authority, and the City of Spokane have partnered to hold this “Central City Mobility Open House.” In one venue you’ll be able to comment on our project, as well as learn about other “mobility” focused projects planned for the Central City area, including the Central City Transit Alternatives Analysis, the East Sprague Redevelopment Study and the University District Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge .
Need to get up to speed? View past Sounding Board meeting notes and documents and input from the first public open house held in June at
To date, your input has helped us identify travel patterns, needs, and opportunities; develop a long list of activity areas, alternatives, and modes; and screen this long list against a set of key questions. Now it’s time to share the results of the screening process and take a look at the shorter list of alternatives and modes.
The date is actually Oct. 25th not the 26th.