Thursday, May 21, 2009

More IT News-New members needed for citizens advisory committee

Apparently Intercity Transit is looking for new members to their citizens advisory committee. If you live in Thurston County and you care about transit, this would be a great way to get involved!

For more information go to their website here.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed they are looking for members. I picked up a packet yesterday.

    I'll throw my hat in the ring, but from what I've heard, there's several openings though 3 of them are apparently already spoken for by current CAC members.

    That having been said, there are more than 3 openings.

    So, what does TCC's Olympia contingent do during the off-season? And, which pizza do you prefer, Oldschool or Vic's?

    Brian Bradford
    TESC Student
    Olympia, WA
