Thursday, March 4, 2010


Right now the Legislature is considering amendments to SB 6774 that would provide Community Transit, Pierce Transit and King County Metro with a temporary funding source to stave off immediate cuts in service due to budget shortfalls. This is our last chance to Save Bus Service...please call the Legislative Hotline (1-800-562-6000) or click here to urge your legislator to support amendments to SB 6774 and move it to the floor for a vote.

Representatives Marko Liias (D-21), Geoff Simpson (D-47) and Steve Kirby (D-29) have introduced Amendment 1347, which gives temporary authority to Pierce Transit and Community Transit to form a transportation benefit district to collect a vehicle license fee to offset impending service cuts. This authority expires on June 30, 2015.

Likewise, Representatives Scott White (D-46) and Sharon Nelson (D-34) have introduced Amendment 1400, which gives the same temporary authority for King County Metro.

State contributions to transit account for less than 1 percent of overall transportation spending. Most money for transit service comes from local sources -- sales tax revenues that have dropped precipitously. It's going to get worse for transit riders in Washington State if you don't act now. Save Bus Service and urge your legislators to act now and support amendments to SB 6774.

Here's how transit cuts could affect you:

King County Metro: In anticipation of a $213 million budget gap for 2010 and 2011, Metro has used reserves and raised fares, cancelled all capital projects for the next 4 years, and streamlined scheduling and routing to prevent service cuts; They are facing additional budget gaps in 2012 and 2013 so if no new revenue is found, they will have no choice but to cut service.

Community Transit: Snohomish County anticipates a $180 million loss of sales tax revenue through 2013. The agency is now forced to cut service a total of 15%, which will include the elimination of all Sunday service as well as other changes in service across the county.
Pierce Transit: Eliminated $5.7 million in expenditures in 2008 and $14.5 million in 2009 to fill a $17.5 million hole. If no new revenue is raised by 2012, they will be forced to cut service by up to 57%.

URGE YOUR REPRESENTATIVES to bring up for a vote and support Amendments 1347 and 1400 to SB 6774. Act NOW and Help Save Bus Service.

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