FRIDAY FORUM: Update on the SR-520 Bridge ProjectAll eyes have been on the Viaduct but we've got another highway structure that needs replacing. Work continues to proceed on the replacing the SR 520 bridge with a new more transit friendly, tolled facility. Tolling is scheduled to return to the existing structure within the next year and construction has already begun on replacement pontoons. A special legislative workgroup is currently meeting to resolves issues that remain such as design of the West side ramps, while King County Metro is working with both the legislature and federal government on transit service and funding options.
Join us for a discussion, followed by Q&A with our panelists. As always, feel free to bring your lunch.
WHAT: SR 520 Replacement update with Daniel Babuca, Engineering Manager SR 520 Bridge Replacement and HOV Program, WSDOT and Barbara Gilliland, SR 520 Legislative Workgroup Administrator, WSDOT
WHEN: Friday, November 6, 12 - 1:30 pm
WHERE: Downtown YMCA, 909 4th Avenue, Seattle WA
SAVE THE DATE for our DOUBLE HEADER NEXT WEEK!November 13: Transportation in Tacoma for the 21st CenturyTacoma and the South Sound face many tough decisions as we plan for the future of our transportation system. How do we extend the Tacoma Streetcar system? How do we reshape Pierce Transit's bus system? How do parking policies affect the city's to make streets more walkable? Please join us for an engaging conversation with Tacoma's transportation experts.
As always, feel free to bring your lunch.
PANEL: Lynn Griffith, Pierce Transit CEO
Eric Anderson, City Manager of Tacoma
David Hiller, Advocacy Director of the Cascade Bicycle Club
Ric Ilgenfritz, Planning Director Sound Transit
WHEN: Friday, November 13, 12 - 1:30 pm
WHERE: Simpson Room, Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber , 950 Pacific Ave, Tacoma
Take the bus to Tacoma!
Sound Transit Express 594 offers frequent bus service from downtown Seattle to downtown Tacoma.
Plan your trip here. This event is co-sponsored by Transportation Choices Coalition, The City of Tacoma, The Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber, Tacoma Bicycle Club, Cascade Bicycle Club, Cascade Land Conservancy, and Futurewise
November 13: Transit Oriented Communities in Bellevue and Beyond - Challenges and Opportunities With the adoption of its Bel-Red plan, the City of Bellevue has launched one of the nation's most far reaching Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) efforts. Other Eastside cities, such as Redmond and Mercer Island have substantially changed the way they plan for development and how they see their residents moving around in coming decades. But there are major impediments to how these cities and others in the region will be able to meet their TOD objectives and absorb rapidly expanding populations and workforces. Join us for a discussion of both the challenges and new opportunities of TOD on the Eastside, with the findings of new reports from Futurewise and their partners (including TCC), as well as the Quality Growth Alliance, serving as the basis for this discussion.
As always, feel free to bring your lunch.
WHAT: Transit Oriented Communities in Bellevue and Beyond with Sara Nikolic, Futurewise, presenting Transit Oriented Communities: A Blueprint for Washington State
A representative from the Quality Growth Alliance, presenting their new report, TOD and Urban Centers, From Barriers to Solutions and Best Practices
WHEN: Friday, November 13, 12 - 1:30 pm
WHERE: Room 1e-108 Bellevue City Hall 450 110th Ave. NE, Bellevue
Take the bus to Bellevue! Sound Transit Express 550 offers frequent bus service from downtown Seattle to the Bellevue Transit Center, less than a block away from City Hall.
Plan your trip here. Thank you to our sponsors of the Friday Forum Series
Vulcan Inc.
CH2M Hill
The Boeing Company
HDR Inc.
Jacobs and Associates | IBI Group | HNTB Corporation | Parsons Brinckerhoff
Wilbur Smith Associates | Bricklin Newman Dold